Crypto Salaries

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Global salary overview in the crypto industry

This is a global overview of salaries in the crypto field, to find out more, you can click on the link and you will be redirected to a page with more details.

Crypto Developer Jobs Salary by Position

Crypto Non-Tech Jobs Salary by Position

Ethereum vs. Solana Salary by Position

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Highest Paying Crypto Jobs

Recently, there has been a huge growth in Crypto jobs, and with them, salaries. A common misconception is understanding crypto itself. Simply put, Web3 is a new wave of internet services that are more decentralized and often powered by cryptocurrencies.

Crypto Non-Tech Salaries

The next common misconception is about the nature of the job. Even within the crypto industry, people often assume that all activity is technical. Yes, if you want to work at a crypto company, you need to understand the cryptocurrency industry. However, you don't need in-depth technical knowledge. Most jobs are non-technical in nature.

Crypto Developer Salaries

Cryptocurrency salaries can be very attractive for highly qualified individuals. Especially developers, as there are very few people in the world who are highly skilled and therefore in demand. Additionally, cryptocurrency salaries are very flexible and most companies even pay their employees in cryptocurrencies.

Remote Crypto Jobs

Since most businesses are fully remote, you can stay anywhere and get paid in cryptocurrency seamlessly. Cryptocurrency levels the playing field by giving everyone the same opportunities and only skills matter.

Ethereum vs Solana Jobs

If you are currently looking for a crypto job, you are probably wondering which ecosystem to go for. Ethereum? Solana?